Разработана для владельцев бизнеса, а не бухгалтеров, OWL Basic Bookkeeping (BBK)
делает счетоводство простым, легким и понятным действием. В отличие от
двойных систем ввода, BBK использует понятный метод единственного
ввода. Если вы использовали домовые книги, то будете как дома с BBK.
Метод единственного ввода, который идеально подходит для маленького
бизнеса. Данная программа имеет понятный графический интерфейс, что
снижает вероятность допущения ошибки. Многие пользователи данной
программы ценят BBK за его простоту, после того как были расстроены
Quick Books и другими раздутыми системами подсчета. Расширенные отчеты
BBK помогают принимать решения в бизнесе. Отчеты – ясные, понятные и
разработаны для организации информации о доходах и расходах, для
поддержки анализа бизнес активности и подготовке к выплате налогов, как
вами, так и вашим бухгалтером. Успешный бизнес начинается при
правильном управлении финансами.
Easy to use bookkeeping software for small businesses. Ideally suited
for small businesses and individuals, Basic Bookkeeping (BBK) was rated
the "Best of Business Shareware" by PC World and among
the Best 100 Downloads by Computer Novice. Basic Bookkeeping is an
accounting program for business owners , not accountants. Unlike double
entry systems, Basic Bookkeeping's single entry method is intuitive.
You simply enter your income and expenses. There are no credit, debits
or other accounting jargon to worry about. If you have used "Dome"
books (e.g., "Simplified Monthly Accounting", etc), you will be right
at home with Basic Bookkeeping. The single entry method is well suited
to small businesses including sole proprietors, partnerships and
позволяет пользователям настраивать ввод данных, через использование
папок с данными. Каждая папка может содержать данные о расходах и
доходах по отдельному бизнесу, группе предприятий или личные данные.
Отчеты могут быть сгенерированы для одной папки или для комбинации
папок. Basic Bookkeeping ссылается на OWL Simple Business
Инвойсирования и Инвентаризации (SBII) системы управления, которая
предоставляет полную систему слежения за продажами, клиентами,
получениями и инвентарем. Комбинация BBK и SBII является полноценным
решением для управления маленьким бизнес предприятием.
If you have not heard of Basic Bookkeeping, you owe it to yourself to give it a try. As one user wrote:
As Diane Benson of North Carolina wrote:
"I have used the Dome system for years. Your program is nothing short of a God-send for me."
Favoring functionality over glitzy graphics, the user interface reduces
input time and errors. Many of our users have come to appreciate BBK's
elegant simplicity after being frustrated by Quick Books and other
bloated accounting systems. As one user wrote:
"Your program is exactly what I've needed. I've struggled with
Quickbooks for a number of years. It is WAY more complicated than what
I need. As a one-man business with perhaps twenty transactions per
month, Basic bookkeeping is much better suited to my needs."
Basic Bookkeeping features a set of comprehensive reports that are
instantly available to help with business decisions. The reports are
clear, concise and designed to organize income and expense information
to support analysis of business activities, and preparation of taxes by
either you or your accountant. Business success starts with intelligent
money management and you can't know where you're going unless you know
where you are.
Basic Bookkeeping allows users to customize their data entry through
the use of data folders. Each folder may contain income and expense
data for a single business, a division within a business, or an
individual. Reports may be generated for a single folder or for any
combination of folders. For example, a rental property owner who
dedicated a data folder to each rental property could report income and
expenses for each property individually and all properties together.
New to Version 7, Basic Bookkeeping now allows users to print expense
checks directly from within the program. Simply enter the expense
amount, fill in the check and Basic Bookkeeping can print a check ready
to be placed in a window envelop and mailed. Version 7 also adds the
capability to track mileage and print a mileage log.
Basic Bookkeeping is linked to OWL Simple Business Invoicing and
Inventory (SBII) management program which provides complete tracking of
sales, customers, receivables and inventory. The combination of BBK and
SBII provides a complete business management solution for many small
System Requirement
Windows 95 through Vista
Официальный сайт | Home Page http://www.owlsoftware.com/bbk.htm