Решатель NX Nastran обеспечивает выполнение полного набора
инженерных расчетов, включая расчет напряженно-деформированного
состояния, собственных частот и форм колебаний, анализ устойчивости,
решение задач теплопередачи, исследование установившихся и
неустановившихся процессов, нелинейных статических процессов,
нелинейных динамических переходных процессов, анализ частотных
характеристик, отклика на динамические и случайные воздействия.
Решатель NX Nastran доступен совместно с инженерными системами для
подготовки расчетных моделей NX и Femap или в виде самостоятельного
приложения, используемого на специально выделенных CAE серверах или
высокопроизводительных вычислительных кластерах с любыми совместимыми
инструментами пре-/постпроцессорной обработки NX Nastran.
NX 7 improves productivity throughout product development. With
enhanced Synchronous Technology, NX delivers faster, more flexible part
and assembly modeling, improved multi-CAD capability, streamlined
digital simulation and more efficient manufacturing. And with new
visual tools for leveraging product data, NX 7 can help you accelerate
development, lower costs, and improve quality. NX Nastran is a premium
computer-aided engineering (CAE) tool that major manufacturers
worldwide rely on for their critical engineering computing needs to
produce safe, reliable and optimized designs within increasingly
shorter design cycle times. For over 30 years, Nastran has been the
analysis solution of choice in almost every major industry including
aerospace, defense, automotive, shipbuilding, heavy machinery, medical
and consumer products – an industry standard for the computer-aided
analysis of stress, vibration, structural failure/durability, heat
transfer, noise/acoustics and flutter/aeroelasticity.
NX Nastran Solutions
NX Nastran is a standalone solution for the extended enterprise.
Typically running on networked server CPUs, NX Nastran supports
multiple users, multiple sites and/or multiple finite element pre- and
post-processing applications, whether supplied by Siemens PLM Software
or other CAE solution providers.
NX Nastran is ideal for customers who need a single flexible, robust
and cost-effective finite element solver solution that is able to
support a wide range of product performance simulation processes. It
provides a high degree of interoperability with a large number of CAE
applications and ensures a common simulation backbone across a wide
variety of user needs and throughout the entire digital prototyping
process. This ensures that all digital simulation results are
consistent and readily accessible to all CAE users within an enterprise
with the minimum of analysis re-work. Pursuant to this agreement,
Siemens offers these NX Nastran solutions:
NX Nastran – Basic: The core subset of NX Nastran and includes a robust
suite of linear statics, normal modes, buckling analyses and heat
transfer capabilities.
NX Nastran – Advanced Nonlinear: Provides the capability to analyze FE
models with nonlinear behavior due to contacting parts, material
nonlinearities and/or geometric nonlinearities (that is; large
deformations). An add-on module to NX Nastran-Basic, the Advanced
Nonlinear solver is based on an integration of the well known and
highly regarded ADINA implicit and explicit solvers with NX Nastran.
NX Nastran – Dynamic Response: Calculates forced dynamic response to inputs (loads or motions) that vary with time or frequency.
NX Nastran – Superelements: Plays a key role when solving very large
and complex finite element models by decomposing larger structures into
smaller substructures called superelements.
NX Nastran – Direct Matrix Abstraction Program (DMAP): Programming
capability that allows customers to expand NX Nastran with their own
applications and custom modules.
NX Nastran – Optimization: Relieves the burden of improving product
designs by automating the iterative process of comparing performance
against specifications.
NX Nastran – Aeroelasticity: Simulates structural models in the presence of an air stream.
NX Nastran Distributed Memory Parallel (DMP): Distributed memory
parallel functionality enables the execution of extremely large models
by utilizing the simultaneous processing capabilities of the latest
multi-processor platforms and environments including workstation
clusters. NX Nastran provides dramatically improved performance
scalability up through 64 parallel CPUs. DMP is available as an add-on
to NX Nastran- Basic and is included as part of the NX Nastran-
Advanced bundle.
NX Nastran – Rotor Dynamics: A new dynamic analysis capability that
enables engineers to develop designs that operate away from the
critical unstable operating speeds of rotating systems.
NX Nastran for Femap: Windows-native desktop CAE solution that combines
Femap's pre- and post-processing with NX Nastran analysis.
Additional desktop versions of the NX Nastran solvers are available with the NX, I-deas NX Series, and Femap CAE offerings.
Система NX Nastran распространена в таких областях промышленности, как
аэрокосмическая, автомобильная, судостроение, тяжелое машиностроение,
медицина и товары народного потребления, обеспечивая анализ напряжений,
вибраций, долговечности, передачи тепла, шума/акустики и аэроупругости.
Система обеспечивает высокую степень интеграции с большим числом CAE
Пакет средств разработки NX Nastran SDK предоставляет пользователям
программы инструменты разработки, предназначенные для упрощения
использования возможностей NX Nastran в собственных клиентских и
отраслевых инструментах.[5]
В декабре 2008 г. Siemens PLM Software сообщила о том, что с помощью NX
Nastran специалистам компании удалось решить сложнейшую статическую
линейную пространственную задачу механики деформируемого твердого тела
(МДТТ) для крыла самолета, находящегося под действием изгибающих
нагрузок. Для КЭ решения задачи была разработана полномасштабная
пространственная КЭ модель, которая содержала ~ 98 млн. оболочечных и ~
49 млн. пространственных конечных элементов. Общее число уравнений - ~
500 млн. уравнений. Время КЭ расчета составило менее 18-ти часов на
8-ми ядерном сервере IBM Power 570.
Официальный сайт | Home Pagehttp://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/en_us/products/nx/simulation/nastran/index.shtml